Friday, July 30, 2010

Prenatal visit #8

Date: July 29, 2010 = 35 weeks pregnant

baby boo's heart rate = 130 (start of monitoring) up to 160 (once he started moving around)

weight = 173.2 lbs

blood pressure = 106/66 low, but normal

urine = no issues

belly measurements = on target (she didn't tell me the number of cm and I forgot to ask)

- today I got to do my strep B test, which meant swabbing all my nether-regions to see if I carry this virus (some women do and some just don't). I didn't have it last time with Asher, but it doesn't mean I won't have it this time as it's something that can just flare up from time to time.

- the Doctor initially couldn't tell if the baby was still head down or not as it also seemed like his head was up near the top of my uterus. Based on where I'm experiencing kicks and after further feeling around, she's pretty sure he is head down. I've been nervous she's wrong ever since!

- since my Doctor is on vacation for our next appointment in 2-weeks, I will be seen by a colleague of hers. I've never seen another OB/GYN so this will be an interesting experience. After this next appointment I move up to weekly appointments.

- it's officially signed, sealed and delivered - we're doing the cord blood banking for this baby's precious stem cells that are in his umbilical cord. I've got my box here and ready to go for when delivery time comes!

- I started really getting things ready for this baby this week, doing laundry, cleaning his room, organizing, etc. A friend helped and I couldn't be more thankful! I still feel like I have so much to do before he comes, but I'm trying to remind myself that all I really need are some diapers, car seat, sleepers and crib, right?

- I bought the letters to spell the baby's name for his room, but Greg has asked me not to paint them yet. I think he's not sure we're committed to the name, but I thought we were. And yes it's true, if you ask Asher, or mention anything about his baby brother, he will tell you his name. I have kept to MY promise not to share the name, but Asher has had other plans, I guess. Many people have found out this way. Whether Greg feels we're committed or not, Asher definitely has decided we are!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My voice...

... audibly is very high pitched and sounds much too young for my age

... internally speaks more wisdom than anyone would ever know

... is so loud that sometimes I can't even hear myself think

... is so quiet that sometimes I can't even hear its' sound in the midst of my life

... is so powerful that I do not feel I fully understand what it is capable of

... is so weak that sometimes I am ashamed at it's lack of courage

... is so foreign that sometimes I don't even recognize it

... is so familiar that it has become background noise

... is motherly, yet needs mothering; is kind, yet judgemental; is patient, yet quick to anger; is big, yet so small; is wise, yet has so much to learn; initiates change, yet is so complacent; easily complains, yet is full of gratitude...

What is my voice?

How do I find it when I need it most?

What does it say when I let it speak?

What does this say about me, and who I am?

How does it define me?

Where is the room for the Still Small Voice that I need to hear in the midst of all that?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Prenatal visit #7

Date: July 15, 2010 = 32.99999 weeks pregnant

baby boo's heart rate = 130 bpm

weight = 171.0 lbs

blood pressure = still low but within normal range

urine = no issues

belly measurements = 31 cm (which means I'm actually not as huge as I feel)

- my awesome swollen ankles and heartburn are just par for the course. Still lovin' those (NOT).

- the baby is still head down.

- I noticed that movements seem to be getting a little bit less, likely because baby boo is just running out of room in there. As long as I feel 6 movements within a 2 hour time span each day, everything is a-ok. I'm definitely feeling ATLEAST that x 10.

- I asked the Doctor if there's anything new or any changes since I delivered last time, and medically speaking, no there hasn't been. More people are doing cord blood banking (which I think we're inches away from deciding to do) but that's about it.

- the Doctor did say that I can expect this labor to go much quicker than the first (sweet!). She also said that it could be totally different than the first time around too, so expect that.

- still no stretch marks (yes!)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"City bus" field trip

This giddy, excited, can-barely-contain-myself boy you see? This one?

He was overjoyed because he took his first ride on the city bus! Asher loves buses (and cars, trains, planes, trucks, tractors, etc.) and when my friend suggested a few weeks ago that we plan a field trip for our boys, I was all in.

It took a lot of planning (thanks Jenn!), was a bit stressful to execute (including almost missing buses), and required a lot of advanced preparations and packing (having a car to stash stuff in really is handy!) but WE DID IT! Here are some pictures of our ride and visit at the park:

Asher talks about this outing still almost daily, and definitely every time he sees a city bus. It was a lot of fun (and super cheap for an outing) and we're definitely going to do it again!

PS - let me just say, it's weird to have your toddler sitting in a moving vehicle and NOT be strapped in!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

the new room reveal!

Many of you have heard me talk about all the work and preparation that has gone into planning Asher's new room and getting it ready. I'm happy to report that he is doing great in his new big boy car bed and had no difficulty at all making that transition. I'm sure there still could be some hiccups, but we're really happy with how easy he seems to have adjusted.

I've been waiting until the room is completely done before I took and posted any pictures, and I think we're just about there. Greg is just finishing up painting a little white wooden chair that will go in the corner by his tall lamp beside his bed, and after that's in, we're done!!! I had the opportunity and the time yesterday morning to take some photos though, so here's Asher's new room (sans white wooden chair, of course)!

It was a lot of work, but so worth it to see Asher's excitement over every new thing we would do to get it completed.

Now onto getting the baby's room ready...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Marriage advice gone wrong...

I need to share this story about my husband because it struck me as pretty ironic, and maybe a little bit funny, that as he was preparing to do a marriage blessing at a wedding ceremony this weekend, he said this to me. As we were getting ready to attend this friends wedding, I asked my husband this question: "Honey, do I look pretty even though I'm fat?" Being almost 8 months pregnant, feeling about the size of a house, and having limited clothing options, can you blame me really?

Greg responded immediately, without even looking at me I might add, "Yes honey you look pretty and fat"

Ummmm, wrong answer.

Greg swore that he just repeated what he heard me say, but I definitely did not say what he repeated.

Lesson: listening to your partner means actually listening to what they say. Those little words like "and", "or", "even", etc. really do make the world of difference!

Perhaps my husband should have done a better job at listening to that marriage advice...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We just couldn't wait...


Asher did GREAT last night in his new bed. We heard his usual shuffling and talking as he was going to sleep last night, and again as he was waking up this morning, but he never got out of his bed! I totally imagined him climbing out numerous times and looking at books or coming out of his room, but he didn't even try. He just went to sleep and stayed asleep! Of course I checked on him a dozen times to see if he had fallen out, but he stayed on his bed, often not where he was "supposed" to be, but on his bed nonetheless. It seems just a little too easy, and I'm sure there will be some challenges around the corner, but his first night was a success! Pictures of his new room to come soon...


Asher's new room with his car bed is not quite ready, but we just couldn't wait to move him in anyways. Tonight is his first night sleeping in his big boy bed, and I have no idea what will unfold. Either way, we're excited for this chapter in our boys life. Happy sleeps, Asher!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Lately I have been...

... wishing I could paint my own toenails

... preparing to begin potty training with Asher

... NOT eating enough ice cream

... nesting like crazy

... working on the house

... getting Asher's new room ready (SO close now)

... continuing to experience daily back pain

... loving that the sun is back

... looking for James the train - and we found him!

... enjoying my and Asher's new hair cuts

... budgeting big time

... thinking my coffee maker is on the fritz

... spending a lot of time in my kitchen (twice baked potatoes take a long time to make!)

... needing some guacamole seasoning (come on Epicure party!)

... not fitting into many of my maternity clothes

... having more lazy days

... listening to Asher sing a lot, and now apparently say "gigidy"

... dealing with whining and tantrums

... loving, and not loving, my husbands work ethic

... enjoying friendships

... wanting to get out more

... thankful for my parents