The Perfect Vacation Book - would be engaging, but light hearted. I don't want the subject to be too intense or emotionally draining because the last thing I want is to be feeling really sad or mad or something or other when I'm supposed to be vacationing. But I don't want to read air either, and I don't want reading to feel like a chore. I want to want to read the book, you know? So it has to grab my attention, and keep it. But, at the same time, I don't want to be so engaged and committed to the book that I avoid doing other fun or necessary things (like sleep) because I want to read (I have a tendency for this to happen). It's so tough, trying to pick the right book.
I was looking over my bookshelves seeing if maybe there's something I could re-read, or to get some ideas for what I may want. This book, Born to Run, would have been perfect. Too bad I just finished it (thanks Mel, it rocked!)
Or Eat, Pray, Love also would have rocked -also read it only about a year ago.
And Life of Pi also would have been good, I think. It's been a few years, so maybe I could pick that up again?
I've been considering reading the Twilight Saga, The Kite Runner, or something by Jodi Picoult. I don't know though, are these too intense? It's hard to know when you haven't read them. Have any of you read these books or have any thoughts on it?
I'd love to hear your recommendations, if you have any. Even if it doesn't fit all my Perfect Vacation Book criteria, let me know if you've read something good lately that I should consider!