Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - what happens when Asher is just too quiet edition


Erin said...

ha ha ha must have been impressed :) I love how happy/proud he looks....cute!

mel said...

OH NOOOOOOOO!!! That's almost as bad as the water!!! How did you ever get it all cleaned up?!?! That's going to affect your resale value someday.

AIM said...

Be thankful it wasn't a box of maxi pads ... (you have seen that photo on the internet, no???) LOL

Mandi said...

Erin - he actually knew he did something he wasn't supposed to because he hid in that corner and sucked his thumb when I was talking to him about it. Once I brought out the camera though, the boy was hamming it up.

Mel - ok braty brat brat :P

Ing - I'm SOOO thankful it wasn't that! Not that I'd need them right now, but that day will come again, oh yes it will.

Greg (papa) said...

Gotta teach that boy how to quickly leave the scene of the crime...