Monday, June 8, 2009

Time = 37:44

I ran my first 5K race and I made it across the finish line alive and on my own 2 feet! It was one of the hardest things physically that I've ever done (besides pushing an entire person out of my body) and I am insanely proud of having accomplished it.

The whole race I ran 10 and 1's (run 10 minutes, walk 1), and it took me 3 and a half of those to finish with my time of 37:44. I will admit, there were some 8-year old's who beat my time, and one 10K runner who also beat my time (which means he ran more than twice as fast as me!) but atleast I wasn't the last one to cross in the 5K race (not even close, actually). And now I have a time to work towards beating for next time (because there will be a next time, and probably before the summer is over). It was fun to wear the number on my shirt, get a participant medal (which I wore for the whole day), and do the classic runner "grab-the-water-from-a-water-stop-and-throw-the-cup-on-the-ground-without-stopping" move. I think it's amazing what God made our bodies to do.

Here's a picture of me after the big run. It's funny that I don't look like how I felt in that moment, which was like I was about to throw up. Classy.


Debie said...

I am so proud of you!
What an amazing feat!!
I am in awe!

mom said...

great job,we are very proud of you. you can do anything you set your mind to,

mel said...

INCROYABLE! You did it! Isn't it amazing to think that just a couple months ago it took all your willpower to run for three minutes, and now you can run for ten minutes without a break? What a HUGE accomplishment! You must feel like a powerhouse. (^_^)

Nikki said...

Good job! That's seriously amazing! I could never do it!

Mandi said...

Thanks for all your support ladies! I know I'm still very beginner, but it feels so great to be able to run. Never thought I could do it. Whoo hoot!

rachel said...

Good job, I'm not brave enough to even think I could do that!