Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hi friends, I'm still here! I know you haven't heard much from me lately, but I have good reason. Here's what's been going on in our lives:

~ I just finished taking care of another little one, Lulu (Baby L's nickname). We have known this family since September, and since Lulu's regular babysitter was away for the month, I offered to take on the challenge. I had Lulu part-time (usually 3-4 days a week, 6.5 hours a day) for the whole month. It was a little bit of a transition, but in no time I was hauling 2 babies all over the place and having a blast. It certainly was a lot of work, but I think it was good for both Lulu and Asher. I think I'll miss seeing Lulu so regularly now!

~ Asher now has 4 teeth, but probably not the 4 you'd think. He has 3 bottom ones and 1 top one. Teeth usually come in pairs, but not for Asher I guess. His smile is going to look awfully cute, I tell ya!

~ 100 times a day I hear the words "Papa" (that's what Asher calls Greg) and "baw" for ball. Asher loves saying those words! On occasion he can get "Mama", "hi", "boo" (for peek-a-boo), and "up".

~ Asher continues to be king of the bum scoot, and boy is he fast! Although he is not walking independently yet, I find he is taking more risks, and needing less support.

~ Swimming lessons with Asher continue to go well. He LOVES the pool. He splashes so much that people actually move away from us during the lesson. The Asher splash zone, as I like to call it, is about 3 feet in any direction around us. Asher is kicking his arms and legs a lot as we do "laps" at the pool (and by that I mean I tow Asher around), and the teacher says this is a great sign. I think Asher will swim before he walks.

~ Asher received his 3rd haircut last week and we went a bit shorter for the summer. I hope to not have to cut it again for a few months. He seriously looks like a different boy right now though, and I miss his crazy hair, but I know it will grow back. I also discovered that allowing Asher to watch the 10-minute sampler video we have of Baby Einstein (second time he's ever watched TV in his life) really works when he needs to stay still for a hair-cut.

~ Asher played in our little sandbox outside for the first time last week, and did what I imagine all baby boys do with sand: he ate it. (And yes I stopped to take a picture before I got the sand out of his mouth, BUT the camera was around my neck!) (Oh, and also, you can see his new hair-cut in these shots.)

~ Our whole family has been quite sick lately. Asher and Greg had some sort of infection thing going on 2 weeks ago, both with fevers and coughs. I managed to steer clear of that, but did get Strep Throat. It sucks, but we're all on the mend.

~ I am still running! Right now I can do almost 3.5K (about 20 minutes of running), and I'm so proud of how far I've come in just 10 weeks. My Learn to Run clinic will end this week and I think I will continue on and join the 5K clinic next. I really am enjoying it!

I think that's all the highlights. Now that we're on our way to feeling better again, I hope to post more regularly. I already have some juicy stuff brewing! :)


Greg (papa) said...

Asher loves his "papa"! :)

Asher also gets to practise his splashing in the tub during his bath nights. I often have to pull the shower curtain around behind me to contain the damage, however I still remain exposed. Asher also like to add in an equivalent happy scream with each unleashing of splashings.

The picture of him looking at the computer screen during his haircut is hilarious! I can so imaging him thinking in his mind: “man this show is SO weird, but wow that’s a nice BenQ 17" flat screen, I also really like HP’s new ultra slim, DC7800 business series desktop lineup that allows one to mount both the screen and computer to the same VESA based wall mounting, articulating arm!”

mb said...

I love you Lawson's!!!