My poor, poor baby. Asher has some sort of flu bug that's been going around AND he's teething. The past 24 hours have been pretty trying in our home.
Asher was a little less energetic and didn't quite have his usual appetite this weekend. I noticed, however, that his first tooth was just starting to poke it's way through on the bottom, so I figured this was the culprit. Then Sunday night at supper time, he
majorly vomited. Thankfully he was in his highchair, so the debris was somewhat contained, but it was still pretty gross. He didn't seem particularly cranky or anything, and when I checked his fever, it was fine. He went to bed as normal Sunday night.
At 3:30 AM this morning my poor guy woke up rather upset and when I rushed in to check on him, he was burning up. He had a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. We were able eventually get it down after a couple of hours, but in between there was a lot of screaming and crying and NO SLEEP WHATSOEVER.
Today (Monday) we gave him Tylenol all day, but his fever still pokes its head when the Tylenol is wearing off. He doesn't seem particularly fussy, but his appetite is still not back, nor is he drinking very much. My momma-senses are on the look out for dehydration, but he's still nursing fine and does have wet diapers, just not quite as much as usual.
So with the vomiting, I'm thinking this is more than just teething, he must also have something. Lots of folks we know have been sick, so he could have picked it up from someone. If this were just teething, man, we'd be in trouble since this is just his first one! I hope to snap a picture of that little pearly white for you soon. It's just barely through the gums right now, but it's definitely there.