Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mother Goose week

The moon is round,
As round can be
Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth
Like me!

This week we have 3 Mother Goose classes. 3! That's a lot, but we love it.

For those of you who don't know, I became a trained facilitator of the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program in December. Here's what the website says about the program:

"The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program®is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children which focuses on the pleasure and power of using rhymes, songs, and stories together. Parents gain skills and confidence which can enable them to create positive family patterns during their children's crucial early years, and give their children healthy early experiences with language and communication."

Asher and I participated in our first PCMG in September, and rejoined again in January. In January, I also became a volunteer with the organization here that offers the program and have been co-teaching since then. Asher and I both love the program a lot, and it's so cool to see when he recognizes one of the songs or rhymes (which he does most of them).

So since this week we are finishing up both of the classes we are currently involved in, we also decided to do a PCMG group here at our home with some of our friends. We're about to start teaching 8 weeks on our own! I am very excited, and the class is also at a time when Greg will be able to participate with Asher, which is a bonus. PCMG has been so great for our family, and often when Asher is fussy or crying, a familiar song or rhyme is just what settles him down.

Yay Mother Goose!


Anonymous said...

We head to our last Mother Goose session today! Never did the baby one...I should have with both of my boys...better late than never, I hope...

What are the ages of the children at your house?

Mandi said...

Hey Deb, I SAW YOU there! :)

The class that I'll be doing at home is for babies only. I think I may do a toddler/preschool one at some point in the future and I'll be sure to let you know!

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you need any handouts or anything.