Friday, February 20, 2009

story time

Greg and I have always made it a point to read books to Asher because we believe it's important. We even read to Asher when he was still in my belly! As a baby, he hasn't always been really interested in books, and so the past few months, we maybe haven't given it as much priority as we would have liked. The past couple weeks though, Asher is totally into books! He loves looking at them, touching and turning the pages, and of course, tasting a few too! Here are a couple of pictures from our reading time last night before bed.


Anonymous said...

aw that is a great picture of you guys! I love your mom glow that you've got going on whenever he's around. It's a beautiful thing to see!

Anonymous said...

I recognize that book. (^_^) It's great for engaging little hands, isn't it?

Mandi said...

Erin - thanks so much for that comment! I certainly do love that little boy a lot.

Mel - I wasn't expecting Asher to like the lift-the-flap books yet, but he SURE does!