Friday, January 23, 2009

the illegal walker

So here is a little video of Asher in our borrowed "illegal walker", as I like to call it. A friend of mine has one and asked if we wanted to borrow it. I'll be honest, I never ever thought I'd let my son use a walker considering as they are banned in Canada! Apparently too many children died in them going down the stairs. Yikes! However, they are not banned in the USA, and she picked up one there not too long ago. Not wanting to be rude, I said yes to borrowing it thinking I'd never actually use it.

Well lo and behold, Asher got pretty curious about this contraption, so I finally decided that I would let him try it out. Supervised, of course, and with every door in our home firmly shut. I guess I just realized that walkers in and of themselves aren't The Invention of the Devil, but rather it's how one chooses to use it that ultimately matters. So we use it daily, after I've triple checked all the doors, and I'm always right here with him.

It turns out he loves the thing! He caught on fairly quickly to how to use it, and has been on the move ever since. He is so happy to be able to get around and begin to explore, and using the walker, I find, really has helped him to learn how to "walk". He now always wants to be standing and if we hold onto his little hands, he is off and walking.

I think bumper pads should come included in the purchase of these things!


Anonymous said...

why one would want to speed up the walking process is beyond me :)

I do have to say though I saw this guy in action and it's quite cute and funny! He certainly does enjoy it!

I'm going to the states in April I can pick you up one of these illegal contraptions if you like ;)

Anonymous said...

That's so funny. I think that's the funniest movie I have seen!

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny how he makes those noises at the start. And when he gets closer it's funny how he's walking in it, kind of. And at the end when he goes "Ha!" it's kind of like he's saying "Ha! I got ya!"

Anonymous said...

Asher's already selling tickets to other kids in the neighbourhood to ride the "outlaw rider".