* Although a baby's face and fingers and hair and nose and toes all tend to get slimy and stinky, a baby's belly always has that new baby smell.
* It is very easy for said baby to get a death grip on a piece of your hair and yank it from your head as you're leaning over to smell that new baby smelling tummy.
* The Cat in the Hat is a really long book. We need a bookmark for it.
* I love waking up to 18 new well wishing emails in my inbox on my birthday. I think 28 is going to be a good year!
* You know your mother likes your husband when she buys you his favorite cake for your birthday. What is up with that?!?
* It's kinda funny that my husband and I text each other back and forth when we're within hollering distance.
* The book is always better than the movie. Gosh I love my book club!
* Asher has made his modelling debut in a handout for our baby massage class. He got the gig because not only is he is the poster child for this program considering as he loves the class, but my sister-in-law is also the administrative assistant. He is soo cute on it (I would show you but unfortunately I'm not technically literate enough to figure out how to make that happen).
* Sitting in the car waiting for your son to wake up when he's fallen asleep as you were out can feel like a really long wait, even if it is only a half an hour (note to self: leave a book in the car).
man I thought we'd make the Monday morning observation list but I guess not. What else does Jason need to do other than what he did :) on Friday night to make this thing? HA HA HA HA
Yea! Observation time! I have some 'Cat In The Hat' ideas, if wanted. I used to cut out the Thing 1 & Thing 2 section, and just have the mom come home. Other times, I would read every second or third page. It's surprising how it barely changes the flow. I guess it's 'cause it's so repetitive. Also, I can really fly with my reading on the big lists. (I think I used to have some of those lists memorized.) Anyway...I love Cat in the Hat...I just needed to find ways to cope. Now, we read it cover to cover. :o)
Have a great Tuesday! And, yes, I'd love to see the brochure with Asher on it.
Erin - I was thinking of putting something on there about this but I didn't want to embarrass anyone, and now that we've talked about it, I DEFINATELY can't put it on the blog!
Deb - Thanks for the tips... mostly we're just interested in eating the pages right now, but I will keep your suggestions in mind. The things a mother is good at, huh?
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