The book is a piece of fiction; the story is not true. Young states his reasoning for writing the book; "I was trying to save my kids 40 years! I actually wrote it out of obedience to my wife, who thought I should record the big picture of how I think and what I believe. I did just that, and gave them [the manuscript] in a spiral binder." He also states that, although the story itself is made up, the pain, the longing, the hurt, the questions and the anger are all real.
I found the book incredibly interesting. Originally I borrowed it from a friend, but before I even finished it, I knew I needed my own copy. Young's portrayal of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit was fascinating and refreshing. His answers to the question "where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?" were wise and insightful, left me wondering, and full of peace and hope.
I do hope, if you'll ever consider reading a book a recommend, that you will pick up this one. Inspiring and worth wrestling through.
I am waiting to get my copy back from my parents who read the bulk of it while we were all together at our own personal shack in Nova Scotia, I do mean Mack's re-visited Shack filled with Hope, Peace and Answers and not the Shack of his nightmares.
I am looking forward to rereading it with a highlighter so that I can find some wise interested person to discuss the points that I found both profound and puzzling.
This book moved me to tears, rage and laughter more times then I can count but what the book really gave me was permission to feel the way I do about God without with and without all the question I have on a daily basis. I was astounded by the similarities of Mack/Youngs understandings and beliefs when I put them together with my own.
Take Mandi's advise here friends and read it as well, if nothing else it will give you more questions about your life and it's place with spirituality.
Hey, thanks for the summary. I had wondered what it was about...
I am in the process of reading it right now. (Danette, by the way we have your copy...). We did however buy our own copy thought because we just wanted to have it and lend it out to people who may be interested in reading it.
It's taking me a bit to get through some of it. But I am glad I have Dave to talk me through some of it and make a bit easier for me. So far though, it's amazing and I am not even done it yet.
I haven't read the book yet but have been wanting too so once I saw the book cover, I skipped over everything else! So I'm actually posting a comment on something I never read....sounds like some students I know!
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