Thursday, September 11, 2008

"I may be a little tilt-y, but look what I can do!"

OK, so he obviously doesn't have this skill mastered at all, but check Asher out! He can sit on his own like this for about 15-20 seconds before he falls completely over. And only 14-19 of those seconds are spent bent pretty far forward, but the point is that he's sort of actually sitting all by himself! Isn't that wild!?!

Rolling over on the other hand, not interested at all. Boys.


Anonymous said...

Wow.. he'll be getting so much more fun now!!! This stage is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

wow, he gets cuter and cuter. do you and greg want to do a movie night sometime?

Mandi said...

He is getting funner (and cuter) each day, I think!

Rachel - we'd love that. Email me about a time. Next weekend?

Anonymous said...

What a cutie..where'd he get all that hair! I think he's going to catch up to goodness i have bald little babies!! I'm sure the rolling will come. Rachel was almost 6 months before she even tried but Sam is my little rolie polie olie. She rolls over and over to get to where she wants to I agree with Ange..this is a great stage..they get more and more fun every day!