boooo down with Pink eye!!! Sammy had pink eye the other day too.(she gets it a lot and we keep garimycin on hand) It's no fun at all. The strain that only last a few days isn't too bad thankfully. Hope he doesn't have the viral kind. We had that this winter and it was horrible!!! take care and hope it doesn't spread to anyone else.
Poor guy! How is he handling the drops?
boooo down with Pink eye!!! Sammy had pink eye the other day too.(she gets it a lot and we keep garimycin on hand) It's no fun at all. The strain that only last a few days isn't too bad thankfully. Hope he doesn't have the viral kind. We had that this winter and it was horrible!!! take care and hope it doesn't spread to anyone else.
awwwww poor guy...that makes me sad! Hope no one else in the house catches it...eek!
:( And yet he still looks happy!
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