Monday, September 27, 2010

Lately I have been...

... rejoicing about the fact that my newborn only gets up once during the night

... exhausted because that the one waking is for over an hour

... frustrated with Levi's nursing issues

... anticipating an upcoming consultation with a Speech Language Pathologist at the Breastfeeding Clinic in regards to said nursing issue

... hoping the Zantac was the miracle cure, but it is not

... inspecting the color of the aforementioned newborns poo

... struggling to find time to shower, and brush my teeth

... needing my morning coffee

... not eating breakfast until almost lunch time

... doing so much laundry (it's really quite something)

... hearing a lot of tantrums from boy wonder #1

... saying a lot of "Be gentle with Levi, that was not gentle, Asher. You need to say sorry"

... missing my one-on-one time with Asher

... astonished by how big Asher seems

... working on potty training with Asher

... getting out a bit (thank you to my mom who cared for both of my boys for Greg and I to have supper out - dream!)

... reminded that I actually like spending time with my husband

... looking forward to my favorite Indian restaurant this week

... celebrating a lot of birthdays! (Happy Birthday Brooke, MB, Josiah, Diana, and my dad!)

... celebrating the one-month birthday of Levi

... super sad about saying good-bye to a friend and her family who are moving to Montreal (we will miss you guys SOOO much!)

... entertaining more than usual at my house

... skipping out on church because of Levi's nursing issues (a screaming newborn in the middle of a sermon is not a fun time)

... trying to stay connected to The Big Guy through music

... missing Big Brother but loving that Oprah and House have restarted

... into reading "The Help" - awesome book so far

... struggling to find the time to blog and to manage to get all the words and thoughts floating around in my head out somehow (have grace, dear readers, plenty of grace...)


erin said...

k so I'm picturing: unshowered, morning/coffee breath, poop on hands, starving, hormonal woman on Zantac, running around with that naked stuffed boy for potting training...does that about cover it? Boy do I wish I was there to witness all of this...actually I really do wish I was there all sarcasm aside. Thanks for the honesty! Praying for Levi's nursing issues, your and Greg's sanity, and Asher's potty training and tantrums. Love you and feel free to call and vent any time!!!!

Debie said...

Well, now that I've read your blog, I realize how out of touch I've become with your world, and so quickly. I have so many questions and am interested in the struggles you are going through. I'm sorry that you are being kept away from the service, but I figured that it would be baby reasons, just not the eating ones.
I remember services being super hard because of eating issues, just not the same reasons.
Well, maybe I could visit you some morning if you were up for that, or a phone chat, or something. I'd love to help, too. Is there a job I can do, or errand I can do to help you?

Mandi said...

Thanks for your lovin' ladies!

Erin - that description pretty much covers it, except it's Levi on the Zantac, not me (it's for acid reflux). I wish you were here too - I'd be putting your Acts of Service love language to good use :) Miss you!

Deb - life happens fast with a newborn. We'd love a visit or time to catch up. Greg and Asher go to Mother Goose Wed. AM - maybe you could come some week at that time?