Tuesday, May 18, 2010

prenatal visit #4

Date: May 17, 2010 = 24.5 weeks pregnant

baby boo's heart rate = 147 bpm

weight = 159.0 lbs - I realize that this looks like just over an 8 lbs weight gain this month, and I almost died when I first saw the number. My doctor just moved to a new office, however, and she told me that her scale is off by about 3 lbs and needs to be calibrated, so I'm going with the number 156 as my actual weight. That means 5 lbs this month, which the doctor said is perfect. So far I'm up 20 lbs and, in the doctor's exact words, "you were small to begin with so the weight you are gaining is perfect". I had forgotten that weight gain in your pregnancy depends somewhat on what your BMI was before you got pregnant. Bigger people tend to gain less weight, with average size gals (that's me) and petite gals gaining more. Fewf - what a relief! I'm on track.

blood pressure = a little low but this is the norm for me

urine = no issues

- my Hepatitis B retest came back and everything is fine, which I knew it would be.

- I have to do my diabetes testing before my next prenatal visit in 4 weeks. I HATE drinking that orange stuff.

- baby boo was moving around like crazy during the appointment when the doctor was trying to listen to his heart. He is so active - more so than I remember Asher being. I'm not sure if this is a good sign or not.


mel said...

GAK! That orange goop! It's enough to make a pregnant lady sick all by itself, eh?

I thought Maren was crazy busy in utero, but Malcolm was WAY more active even than that. He was perfectly healthy and is pretty laidback now, but I do notice that he seems to have more natural ability when it comes to sports. Not sure if there's a connection or not. It will be interesting to see what this little guy is like, huh?

Erin said...

dude seriously it's going to be so weird to see you in a few weeks... you're looking like a new woman... can't wait to have a baby belly hug from you friend!

Jenn said...

So glad that everything continues to go well with the little guy. (Active babies can be very fun too!).
You look fabulous!

Nikki said...

You look so great! And I actually really like the orange stuff... guess I'm weird!