Monday, September 7, 2009

Something old, something new, and you were right

Asher and I like to get out and do lots of fun things while we're at home together. I think it's important that Asher has opportunities for social interaction with other children, especially since he doesn't go to daycare, and also opportunities to experience fun activities from which he can grow and learn.

So here's our something old, an activity that we've done lots of:

Every week for the entire summer we have been going to our local zoo with our "zoo friends" as I like to call them. We all have seasons passes to the zoo, and us moms enjoy the outing just as much as the babes do. We've gotten to know so much about the animals (don't get me started on this, because I could talk for paragraphs about it), and each other this summer. I love these ladies to bits! I finally took a group picture this week by the lions, one of our favorite stops.

And our something new, which we did for the first time last week:

Asher has had a membership at the YMCA for a year now, when he started his swimming lessons at just 3 and a half months old. In addition to his swimming lesson, and open parent and tot swims, the Y has other activities for little ones. One of these activities is called Play Pals, but the child has to be walking in order to participate. Since Asher is now officially in that category, we went this week. Basically the Y sets up the gym with tons of equipment and the children just get to have free play. Asher had a blast! He climbed and threw balls and went down slides and teeter-tottered and ran and crawled through tunnels and practiced "sharing". We will definitely be making this one of our regular stops.

How fun is that?!?!

And this picture?

You were right, Asher has just graduated swimming levels going from Splasher's to Bubbler's, and received this sticker from his instructor to celebrate. Usually kids just move up when they're 18 months old, but our instructor says Asher is ready at 16 months! Our first class will be this week, so that should be fun!


Erin said...

darn I was so hoping that it was what Debie said!

I like your crazy picture at the zoo. You're all about doing those aren't you? So is the zoo closed for the season now? Seems early if so.

Glad Asher is having so much fun and that you're able to take him to all of these fun things!

Mandi said...

I was hoping it was what Debie said too! A self-cleaner-uper... that'd rock!

The zoo is not yet closed for the year, that happens at the end of October, so we still have just over a month and a half left (thankfully).