Monday, July 13, 2009

From bum scoot to frog crawl

So it's been close to 4 weeks now since we've been seeing the Pediatric Physiotherapist and Pediatric Chiropractor for Asher's gross motor/pelvis concerns, and I thought I'd share an update with you.

We see the Chiropractor once a week at this point (we had been seeing her twice a week for the first couple weeks). Asher continues to need adjustments, but he is maintaining his adjustments well and the alignment and range of motion issues are definitely improving. We've seen the Physiotherapist twice and are basically on a home program. We won't see her again until the beginning of August because he needs time to learn and develop the muscles that he hadn't been using.

In that 4 week time span Asher has made HUGE improvements. He is moving and sitting in a variety of different positions that he hadn't been using before, and he is definitely using his legs and pelvis in new ways.

- He is able to pull to standing on furniture and shelves on his own (he needed help prior) and is doing this ALL THE TIME. Our current issue is teaching him how to get back down from standing. He's beginning to get it, which is a relief because he would frequently cry in his crib because he's stuck standing up and couldn't get back down to go to sleep. That SUCKED.

- He is able to side-step as he walks holding onto furniture.

- He is able to bend down to the front and side from sitting and is beginning to squat down while holding on from standing.

- He is able to get into 4 points (the crawling position) on his own and is even beginning to try to move in different ways in that position. It's interesting to watch him try to figure it out; he knows I want him to move in the 4 points position, but he doesn't know how to do it yet. So what he does is combines the arm motion from his bum crawl with the leg position of 4 points and he looks like a frog. He is beginning to do the cross crawling motions, but doesn't quite have it yet.

- He now climbs stairs.

(Check out this video of him climbing the 2 little stairs on our main floor; you can also see his frog crawl as well)

I'm very proud of his growth and learning in just 4 weeks. He's such a smart little guy and really has learned to do a lot of different muscle movements in such a short time. Once we finishing working out the kinks in his pelvis and hips, and help the muscles to get stronger in that area, I have the utmost confidence that this little guy will be just fine.


mom said...

I Love it, The frog crawl is so cute, he is leaning fast, he will be walking before to long

Rachel said...

He's obviously pleased with himself for being able to crawl up those steps. This must lighten some of your worries!

Erin said...

I love it how he's saying "Uppie" when he's going up the stairs. Too cute!

I'm also liking the frog move. Can't wait to see it in action. So is he still doing the bum scoot?

Jenn said...

Asher does look very proud. So great to hear about his amazing progress in such a short time!