Monday, May 4, 2009

Asher's First Birthday Party

Asher had a great first birthday party! There was lots of people and it was a little chaotic at moments, but Asher had lots of fun, and that's what matters. Here's some pictures of the day, you know, since I couldn't fit all of you in my living room!


mel said...

Wow! So many fantastic pictures! I love the one of Asher stuffing in a handful of cupcake (very funky cupcakes, by the way) and the aftermath of the cupcake. (^_^) You're looking like a hot mama in that last picture, too!

Debie said...

Yay! Awesome party pictures! So cool. I'm thinking that the trike was a birthday gift, right? It is one sweet ride! And, I'm so glad to see chocolate cake on his face. Classic. Aidan had cake for the first time on his birthday, too...except that he also burnt his finger on the flame,too. Not a good "mommy moment". Oh, crap...I forgot I need to call you. Hope you're home. :o)

rachel said...

Hey, wasn't there a "running" post???