Thursday, May 7, 2009

Observations: running edition

~ For me the term "running" should be used rather loosely since really my pace is probably as fast as a typical 3-year old can run.

~ According to Greg, my knee stopped hurting the second my new sneakers were in my hands. That's not quite true, but the new shoes have made a huge difference. And they're cute, too!

~ I must be catching the running addict bug since I actually went running last week, even though it was raining.

~ I learned that I run much better in the rain, because I just want to get the heck out of the rain as quickly as possible. It's the worms, people. I cannot handle the worms.

~ A bunch of people I know seem to be into running now as well. I'm not sure if this is because I'm just more aware or connected to this now since I've started running, or if motivation just seems to spread.

~ Learning to run is kind of like going through labour. It's hard for a bit, then it's easy for a bit (I'm still doing run/walk intervals), and you just have to have a little routine in your head to get you through the hard bit until your next little break.

~ It's funny to me that when the Learn to Run folks talk about short and long-term running goals, they always mention qualifying for the Boston Marathon as a long-term goal. Hello, am I supposed to know what you're talking about? Qualify for the Boston Marathon? I'm in the Learn to Run class here, folks. As in beginner. As in I still have no sweet clue what I'm doing here. Remember, the class you're teaching? We're all newbies. I don't know what you're talking about when you say the words "qualify for the Boston Marathon" since I've obviously never run a marathon. I don't even know what the Boston Marathon is!

~ I love how good I feel after a run. It is so energizing!

~ I still don't see how I am going to be able to run for 20 minutes in a matter of mere weeks. This should be interesting. Wish me luck!


PR said...

I think you rock.

mel said...

And you'll be in the rain again this week! Glad you're enjoying the process.