Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm back!!!

Hi friends, I'm back to blogging! Besides adjusting to life alone with Asher during the days after Greg's 2 week vacation home (and believe me, it was an adjustment) I also got sick this past week. It sucked! But the good news is, I guess breast milk really does help babies fight off illness, because Asher didn't get sick. Whoo hoo!

Oh. And I've also been busy takin' care of business around here, which included this fun new book shelf project.

I've been wanting these new bookshelves for a century now. I did have these old and completely-not-matching-with-my-decor bookshelves, which also did not provide enough space for my ever expanding collection of books (which seems to be quadrupling with the amount of baby stuff I feel the need to read), which did not get bigger over Christmas (that's probably too many ( ) and which's for one sentence, but oh well.)

And also takin' care of business like this.

Yip, that's a softball size poo in my sons diaper.

Aren't you glad you took the time to check in on us? :)


Anonymous said...

I'm certainly glad I took the time to check in on you! I was so excited that you updated your blog.

YOU FOUND NEW BOOKSHELVES!!!! They look great. Where did you end up finding them?

As for the softball size poo, and you wonder why I don't offer to babysit :)

Anonymous said...

Those shelves look very chic in your living room. Fabulous!

Aaaaand... even funnier/odder than Asher's gigantic poo is the fact that you TOOK A PICTURE of the poo. You know you're a mom when.... (^_^)

Anonymous said...

At least there's no guessing when it comes to a poo like that....

Anonymous said...

Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove those shelves!! (Note to self: "don't be jealous...")

Mandi said...

Erin - I got the bookshelves! Good ole' Superstore. They ROCK. As for the poo, after you do it a few times, it's no big deal at all. Perhaps you just need some practice?! :)

Mel - I took the picture because it was so unbelievable and I had to show Greg (he actually cares about things like this that happen in our day)

Rachel - this is very true... :)

Deb - Gotta love those PC points! Totally only paid $7 for those shelves. I'm telling you, cash in on the points!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying...I've got to chat with Greg...
I think that I really messed it up at Christmas. Maybe I'm not organized enough...