Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday's observations

* Asher has yet to figure out that he can't actually nurse and babble at the same time, although he has spent a lot of time trying this week!

* Two totally separate people both told me on the same day that Asher is the cutest baby they have ever seen. Clearly I am not just biased here people.

* When changing a baby boys diaper, make sure the "weapon" is pointed down before closing up the shop. Failure to remember this simple trick could result in serious pee leakage, changing of bedding and boy, and copious amounts of laundry.

* Do NOT stand under an apple tree and reach to pick an apple while wearing your baby on your chest in a wrap. Someone could get hurt when a half a dozen apples comes raining down from the tree because you shook the branch! So that's why they say at the orchard "Pick at your own risk"!

* The Girl Guides look at you a little strange when they ask you if you'd like to buy a box of their chocolate mint cookies, and you eagerly jump up and down and say "Oh yes I would!". Apparently most 27 year old's don't do this. Strange.

* There needs to be more motivation for keeping one's eyebrows neat and trim. I pluck them, and 3 days later I have so much new growth that I need to pluck them again?!? Seriously, I can't keep up.

* Finding a centipede crawling on your pillow, and then telling your wife that it probably came in on her hair after apple picking is NOT a good idea.


Anonymous said...

so many LOL moments in this post! thanks for the chuckles...with my morning milk, in a quiet house (yay!) enjoying my friend's life through her blog...

thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha this was great Mandi. I like Debie had many LOL moments, kind of embarrassing when you're at work!

Mandi said...

Thanks for reading and commenting, friends. I'm so glad I was able to make you smile. Life with a baby is interesting!