Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We're back!

So we all survived the first big road trip to visit my family for the reunion! The drive normally takes 5 hours with no stopping, and we made it down in just over 6 hours. I was pretty impressed with Asher.

He was a little unsure at first about what all the fuss was about:

Then we settled into some playing and reading (because what is a road trip without some reading!)

He did a little bit of sleeping, but not too much.

And, of course, he did a little bit of this...

BUT it was a lot less then I expected!

I've got too much to say to sum it up in just one post, so stay tuned for more. For now I'm gone to work on the post-vacation laundry. I should be done it by tomorrow! :)


Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!! I'm glad that things were better than expected (or feared). Our family has come to LOVE road trips, thanks to last summer. Hopefully this will be something that you folks will grow into. Have fun with the laundry...that's what I'm doing today, too...and most days...sigh. Have a great day! Hope to see you soon, and that cutie!

mel said...

Awwwww... a little crying is to be expected. At least it wasn't projectile vomiting, which has occasionally accompanied crying on our road trips. Glad it went well, friend.

(Oh, and to answer your question: what is a road trip without some reading? Nausea-free.)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandi!
Glad you guys made out ok on your trip. I remember our first Cape Breton trip with Jacob when he was that young. Get's SO much easier...and like Mel said, reading may cause some motion sickness when he's a bit older. Happened to us in PEI last year...you have a few years before you have to worry about that, but keep it in mind for sure!
Have a great week...
Thanks for checking out my blog!