Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Out of the last 6 nights, my baby slept through 4 of them!  Change is a-comin', I feel it and I love it.  What more can I say?

PS - my first baby turns 3 tomorrow, how is this even humanly possible?!?!?


mel said...

Hooray for more sleep!

Re: Asher as a three year old, I don't think it is possible ... I thought I just took his newborn pics.

And it will just keep getting less believable as time goes by. I'm staring down the TENTH birthday of my first baby. What the heck?!

Erin said...

Hooray, change is a comin' and that's super exciting...that means it's time for another one :) ha ha ha

Woah, Asher 3 ....that is nuts! Wish I was there to make some rockin' cupcakes or cake for you friend. Enjoy the day!

Mel...10?!?!?! WOW!!! Where does the time go???

Mitch said...

I know, CRAZY right??? I do not know how this happens.