This week I am thankful for...
... my lovely friend who has come to help me get out for an afternoon walk twice this past week with all 4 kids (plus one of her own!).
... the fact that my house is small enough that I can make a good dent in the cleaning in an afternoon.
... Levi always being happy when I'm wearing him on my back.
... when Asher says "Hi Mama, I missed you!" when I pick him up from Roxy's school.
... Asher eating vegetables he won't normally eat if they're inside a quesadilla or a quiche.
... Levi getting to experience, and enjoy, Mother Goose class with me (I'm volunteer teaching again and loving it!)
... that even though my babies have colds that make their sleeping and eating difficult, they are healthy.
... my friend who agreed to pray for my children on a regular basis, and I for hers.
... coffee. Always coffee.
... Asher doing well at swimming lessons these past few weeks. Even though he hates the big pool, he is doing awesome in the small one.
... finding a local wine that I really like!
... that Seeds Family Worship, all 5 albums, are available on Napster.
... getting into a routine on the days when I care for Marek and Milah. There are crazy moments, but it's getting more predictable, and I'm figuring it out.
... celebrating my husbands 31st birthday!
So either I'm missing you a lot, or I'm just an insane stalker because of how much I comment on this thing. Regardless, I'm sitting here at work, drinking shitty coffee, and remembering how thankful I am for your coffee as well! Missing you thankful for all of the things that you have to be thankful for in your world!
"... the fact that my house is small enough that I can make a good dent in the cleaning in an afternoon."
-captured for a contract I'm getting you to sign.
"... Asher eating vegetables he won't normally eat if they're inside a quesadilla or a quiche."
-put my name in there too!
"... Levi always being happy when I'm wearing him on my back."
-put my name in there too....wait no...don't
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