Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Lately I have been thankful for...

... Levi is loving eating solids! We've moved him up to eating them twice a day. Last night he tried peas for the first time and he gobbled them up.

... Levi is basically back to only getting up once a night, rather than the little stint he had been on of getting up twice. Once is better than twice.

... Asher yesterday, about 3 or 4 times said to me, "Mama I feel my body telling me it has to pee so I'm going to go quick quick to the potty". He then proceeded to have several pees in the potty! Whoop whoop! That's progress.

... that Asher is doing fan-tabulous in his new swimming class. Same pool, different time, and different instructor. This class has more kids his age, and he is really starting to do more stuff. The boy can do a back glide like it's nobody's business. Wow! He's also getting braver with putting his face under water and this week he picked up a ring from the bottom step of the pool, which meant he had to put his head mostly under the water. A big step for him. So proud!

... that Asher is doing so well at preschool. When I picked him up yesterday, one of his teachers said, "He's doing so well. He's such a sweet boy and he's so well behaved!". He also said to me, as he does every time, "Mama, you came back!". This week he added "Mama, I missed you!". I missed you too little buddy. He rocks.

... a movie night out with a friend. 127 hours - crazy intense, and crazy good.

... the anticipation of my mother taking the boys overnight this Friday. I can't wait to have a fun night out, and to sleep 8 consecutive hours. Wow.

... the many lovely friends I have in my life. I often wonder how I'd survive a week without them. One friend in particular sent an email to me with a story about mothering that I just needed to read. So thankful for that perspective.

... running again. I'm able to do 10:1 x 2 pretty easily again and am now adding more to that. I feel so good about it.

... no blocked milk ducts in IONS! Sweet.

... U2, I am going to see U2!!!!!!!!

... that there is joy and blessings in the midst of such sadness that seems to be happening around me. I'm thankful that I am in a place where I can see that clearly.

1 comment:

E said...

Go Asher! Peeing in the potty, that's definitly what all your big friends do, and we knew you could do it too. So proud of you little guy. :) So glad to hear that Levi did indeed like solids as much as he showed interest in them. :) Next thing you know, he'll be having pizza with us next time.