Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy 6-months, baby Levi!

I'm not even sure how it is possible that my sweet, sweet little boy is 6-months old, but he is. For some reason 6 months seems way older than 5 months, don't you think?

My lovely little Levi, at 6-months old you are such an easy-going and laid-back baby. You are usually so content, unless you're hungry, then watch out! You don't seem phased by your surroundings, you just take it in, but it doesn't overwhelm you. Even with a rambunctious 2-year old whirling about around you, you seem to just take life as it comes, and not let it change your mood. New situations or people - you just go with the flow. I love this quality about you - I wish I was more like that!

You're so content, you flash your award winning gummy smile without a moments hesitation. Anyone who says "hi" can easily see, that smile is a heart breaker! It lights up your whole face. You smile when I sing to you, you smile on your change table, you laugh with delight when Asher talks in a little baby voice to you - happiness just seems to be a part of who you are. I love that you love life.

You are a hungry baby, and a solid boy. You are a champion nurser, now that we got all those lip issues sorted out, and you love to eat baby food. You've been eating it for about 3 weeks now, and you literally flap your arms and lunge for the spoon when you see your food. You eat solids twice a day, and so far you've had sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas, green beans, banana, apple, mango, beef, rice and barley cereal, and 2 baby mum mum's. I would rate peas as one of your top favorites and the baby cereal, bananas and beef at the bottom of the list. I've made almost all of your food, and you don't seem to mind some of the textures that come with homemade baby food.

You can still sleep just about anywhere, and easily fall asleep in the car or in the baby carrier. You fall asleep all on your own, as long as the soother and swaddle blanket are not too far away. You nap twice a day, about an hour in the morning, and 2-3 hours in the afternoon. You go to bed between 7 and 7:30, have a dream feed around 10:30, and always get up once a night to eat. On a handful of nights you've made it through until 5:30-6:00 AM, but usually I hear your cries around 3:30-4:00 AM telling me your hungry. You're up for the day around 7:30.

You can roll over from your belly to your back no problem, but have yet to figure out how to go the other way. I've tried to show you a million times, but you're not there yet! You can sit for all of 5-10 seconds before you start to topple over; you love to stand up, with support of course. You can grasp objects with your hand, and everything goes to your mouth once you've grabbed onto it. You have this new habit of putting your index finger in your mouth and sucking on it - it's so cute! You've recently discovered your toes, and that you can use your voice to scream! We hear a lot of that. You also love to coo, babble, and blow raspberries.

You have beautiful full lips, and many people comment on this feature of yours. You have blond hair and blue eyes, and your hair is just starting to fill in more and more. You are in size 6-12 month clothes, and size 3 diapers. We go to the doctor on Monday to get you weighed and measured. I'm looking forward to knowing how big you are!

Life has been wonderful with you in it, little Levi. I have loved every moment with you, and I can't wait to see what the next 6 months have to bring. Happy half birthday!

1 comment:

erin said...

Loved reading this! I of course might have got teary :) that's one cute freaking dude you've got there!