... because all of these things are so true!
A good friend of mine sent this link to me, and it was exactly what I needed to read today.
I thought if I could go back and tell myself something right before I had kids it would be this:
Nothing is as bad as it first seems once you have time and sleep on your side. It will get better.
Remember to have fun. It's not all about the schedule.
This will be hard on your marriage, but if you work together, it will grow in ways that weren't possible otherwise.
There can never be too much love.
Fellow mothers, what would you say? What do you wish you had known?
Don't worry about bedtime, hold him while he sleeps sometimes.
This is beautiful, and just what I needed to see today:)! Mine would be..."Don't be too hard on yourself, because he won't remember all the mistakes as much as the love." (And so much more!!)
Accept help when it's offered;
Don't forget to nurture your other relationships, including the one with your child's Daddy;
You know your child the best, so trust your gut;
Every child is different. When one is walking/getting teeth/potty training, the other may follow later but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the kid!
Your girlfriends will get you through ...
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