Thursday, October 21, 2010

At 30 I have learned about myself...

... I lose patience quickly, and tend to notice this flaw in others.

... I have a love/hate relationship with my hair.

... I prefer salty and crunchy over sweet, unless it's ice cream or cheese cake.

... I'm an 8-hour a night kind of sleeper.

... I love being a mother.

... being a mother is MUCH harder than I ever thought it would be.

... I value my own mother much more than I ever knew I could.

... my faith is my cornerstone, but I struggle to live this out in real life.

... a shower everyday makes me feel human.

... I want to eat healthy, but I don't want to put a lot of effort into cooking.

... I second guesses many choices I have made.

... I struggle to like the reflection I see in the mirror.

... running makes me happy. Literally.

... I need alone time like I need air.

... I often mistake time out of my house, away from my family, and with friends as alone time. It is not.

... I long for intimate one-on-one relationships.

... I believe that loving others is the most important thing in life, but I tend to forget this.

... I'm much too hard on my husband.

... folding laundry is the one chore I actually like.

... I'm quite anal about certain things in my life, namely that objects and articles are put in their place in my home, even if that place doesn't make sense.

... I struggle with envy. A lot.

... there is still so much I want to do in life: learn how to take good photos, bake, run a marathon, dance again.

... I can put off the simplest tasks for way longer than I'd like to admit.

... I can hold a grudge.

... I can be selfish and judgemental.

... I still believe in the infinite possibilities and goodness in people.

... gratefulness is a virtue I need to practice.

... reading and writing are just something I need to do.

... the longing I have to travel will have to be satisfied.

... I worry too much over things that don't matter.

... I forget to see the big picture sometimes.

... I should trust my gut more often.

... I believe in the power of prayer.

... I think God's reasoning is complicated, and I hate not knowing the "why" behind His choices.

... I trust God's goodness, and this fuels my faith and gives me hope.

... I struggle to express my emotions, even though I feel them so strongly.

... I like a nice glass of wine.

... I appreciate the wisdom of older people.

... I will always miss my grandfathers.

... I am changing constantly, but I am always still me.


AIM said...

No wonder we get along so well. Seriously, I could have written that exact same post almost to the letter (except the salty over sweet -- that's just ridiculous LOL) ...

Oh, and you forgot one: you are an awesome friend, friend.


Jenn said...

That's a lot to think about. I can relate to many of those things as well (but wouldn't be able to express it so beautifully!). Thanks for sharing your heart so openly!

mb said...

so many reasons I like you and you keep adding to the list. Friend, you ROCK!

mel said...

I sure do love you. (^_^)