Date: August 13, 2010 = 37 weeks pregnant
baby boo's heart rate = 150 bpm
weight = 177 lbs (that's a total of 41 lbs gained this pregnancy. Wowzers!)
blood pressure = 116/72
urine = no issues
belly measurements = 35 cm (on target)
- I saw a different doctor today since my OB/GYN is on vacation. It was an interesting experience with someone different, but I much prefer my doctor.
- I received some really good news; the baby is DEFINITELY head down. Sweet! The doctor was even able to help me feel this for myself, and boy do you have to press hard on my stomach to feel that head in there.
- Although baby boo is head down, his head is not yet engaged in my pelvis. Boo!
- Bad news; my Strep B test came back and I tested positive. Basically Strep B is a bacteria that many people have, and sometimes it's active and sometimes it's dormant. It's not related to hygiene or sexual activity, it's just something that's present or not. I did not have this for Asher, or it wasn't high enough levels to matter. This time, however, since I do have it, I have to take antibiotics during my labor and delivery to ensure the baby doesn't get it. Another boo!
- I'm still experiencing swelling, back pain, heart burn, trouble sleeping, a couple of bouts of mild cramping, low energy levels, and lots of discharge (sorry if that's TMI) and all of this is par for the course. My cranky attitude, whining, and complaining are just my own doing. Sorry if you've fallen victim to this :)
- The baby's room is officially ready and open for business. All the clothes are washed, sorted, folded, and stored where they need to go. Diapers and other essentials are bought and put away. Crib has clean sheets and everything has been wiped down and washed. My hospital bag is about 90% ready to go. The bassinet, car seat, swing, and bouncy chair are out of storage and have been cleaned. My nursing "stuff" has all been found and washed. We still have a few small things left to do (install car seat, finish packing diaper bag, etc.) but really the only thing we're missing is 1 baby boy, and I'm hoping that he comes ANY DAY now!
I am so glad you know for sure he is head down. One last thing to be anxious about. Also glad that you asked the doctor how to figure this out for yourself. It sounds like you are basically ready to go. Just a few weeks ago you were sure you would never get Asher into his new room! It's all come together.
I have been present during the whining, but I don't consider myself a victim. Love you lots. complain away, friend!!!
WOW that's a great belly!!! You look totally normal except you look like you swallowed a basketball!! Your totally making me excited...10 more weeks from now and i'll be having things almost ready...soo excited for you and hoping baby won't be late (that's no fun at all!!!).
That's so wonderful that the doctor showed you how to feel for the head!! that will be very reassuring. At this point it would be pretty unlikely for him to switch around..not much room and you would definately feel it! No worries about head not being engaged..that tends to only happen before labour with a first baby...they say with following babies they dont' usually engage until labour starts or just before. Well i'm sending you best wishes for this baby to come before your due date!!!
We can't wait to meet Asher's little brother. You have looked amazing throughout this pregnancy and I agree you look like you who has swallowed a basketball!!!
37 weeks, he can come any day now and he'll be full term! I hope it's soon for your sake. That sucks about the strep B though, that means that your labour has to be at least 4 hours long. Hopefully it is quicker this time.
-woo hoo on the head down!
-welcome to the wonderful world of strep B :)
- I have been a "victim" of the whinning as well and feel the same way as complain away to her...ha ha kidding! You know I'm here for you...
-try that freaking breast pump out!!! Baby boo has got to get here before I head back to VA! In fact, we're rigging that sucker up tonight ;)
Thanks for all your positive lovin's ladies. I'm glad I can count on you all to tell me that I look like I swallowed a basketball and that you love to hear me complain! :) What else are girlfriends for?
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