Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Exciting News!

There will be more of this in my future because guess what? I got the results from my official gestational diabetes testing that I did yesterday and I'M NOT DIABETIC!!!! Whoo hoo! Who wants to go for ice cream with me? :)


Nikki said...

Yay!! Enjoy your ice cream!!

Jenn said...

That is really great news Mandi!

mel said...

Hooray!!! (That is an awesome picture, BTW>)

debie said...

ME, Me, me!!!

erin said...

now that I'm back in this part of the world we NEED to go out for ice cream...let's plan that! Perhaps we need multi ice cream dates a week I'm thinking :) Glad you don't have diabetes...that would have sucked!

Andrea said...

so glad to hear it mandi!!

Mandi said...

So glad many of you are available for ice cream - I feel the love, although I'm sure you're willingness to go is only in part due to the company ;)