Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - "help bake" edition


Greg (papa) said...

I knew the muffins tasted better this time....

Erin said...

oh dear Asher your Mama, who I love very much, has no idea what she's doing....I'll teach you some real tricks this summer little buddy, don't you worry!

Ha ha ha I'm laughing way too hard right now! What were you making? I'm going with Maple Apple Walnut Muffins perhaps?

Mandi said...

Greg - did you even eat the muffins? I thought the apples were an automatic turn off?

Erin - I don't get it... what's so funny from the pictures? We did bake the Maple Apple Walnut Muffins and they turned out great. The point is, Asher had fun and liked eating the muffins that he helped make :)

mel said...

I love the one where Asher's "reading" the recipe card! So cute!

Jenn said...

I like the recipe-reading pic too. Looks like he had a lot of fun helping out!

Erin said...

Woah woah...there wasn't anything wrong with the pics...I was just trying to make a joke about how I'm always teasing you about baking..sorry bad joke I guess....I think it's a wonderful idea that you bake with him. How do you think I learned so much about it? And now I've blessed you with that gift... mmmm now I think I need to make those muffins...sorry didn't mean to offend prego!

Mandi said...

Mel & Jenn - that was my favorite picture too :)

Erin - no no, you didn't offend me, I was just trying to figure out where the comment came from. You seemed to have something specific in mind, or atleast that's how I read it, rather than a general poke at my baking abilities. All is well, friend. Hopefully Asher will end up having more kitchen abilities than Greg! :)