Monday, November 23, 2009

The song in my head lately...

... is this awesome and thoughtful tune from Jon Foreman (the lead singer from the band Switchfoot). Here's a youtube video of the song, which really isn't much of a video, but atleast you get to hear the song!


Debie said...


I have been looking for this song. I didn't know who sang it! I've been seriously trying to find this for 5 weeks!

Thank you, thank you so much! I think you posted this just for me today. Thank you.

mel said...

I LURVE this song in a big, big way. Another great one he does is "House of God Forever", which reworks Psalm 23. LURVE. A LOT.

Mandi said...

Deb - I'm so glad I posted this! The first time I heard it I was dying to know who sang it as well. It was hard to nail down. It's an awesome tune huh?

Mel - I LURVE all Jon Foreman stuff and I LURVE that word :)