Wednesday, February 11, 2009

here's to much more of this...

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont

The days are long, but the years are short. ~Unknown

So here's the big announcement, for those of you who don't already know. It's official. Asher is now permanently my full-time job. I resigned from my position a couple of weeks ago and our family made the decision that I will be staying home to care for Asher. I'm super duper excited about this, but I must admit, there is a bit of sadness as well.

I grew a lot in my job. I gave a lot and it was my career for over 5 years. I loved what I did and took pride in my work. It is bittersweet that that phase of my life is done, for now. But the second I look at Asher, I know this is the right decision.

In my heart I always thought having a parent raise a child at home was the best thing. I realize that this decision is not for everyone, but I've always longed to do it. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity and I hope to make the best of our time together. It will certainly be an adjustment for our family financially, but at the end of my life, I don't think it will matter how many times a month we ate out, or what brand of clothes Asher wore. That's not the Important Stuff Of Life. I think it will matter though that I was there to enjoy all the big and little moments with Asher. That I was there to be able to help him develop into the person God created him to be.

So here's to many more playing-in-the-snow days, and many more blog posts (how exciting for you!)


Anonymous said...

so glad you were able to do what's been in your heart for so long friend!

Say goodbye to 50 dollar pillows and hello to a grocery budget :)

Looking forward to more posts!

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy for you Mandi. I know that this is not always an option for everyone, but if it can be, then in my opinion it should be.

I have never regretted for a day that I didn't pursue work/career when Brea was small. And now that she is in her first year of High School I am finding she needs me just as much as she did as a small child, just in different ways.

I am finding little things to do to stimulate myself and to bring in a bit of mad money, but when you really work hard, you can survive, and even thrive with so much less then you ever thought you could.

I am the mom who went to every basketball game this year, who sits beside her kid when she wants to chat with her friends on MSN. I am the one who infuriates her child with questions about who she hung out with and what they ate at school that day. And she loves it. And so do I.

I feel privileged to be able to do it. My job is to manage our household so that I can continue to do it, for as long as she needs me to.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mandi, i'm so happy for you! It's a hard job that gets very little credit but is worth it!!! I still cringe when i'm asked do you work or do you "JUST" stay at home. I've caught myself and Andrew say she "just" is at home...JUST??? Of course Andrew apologizes when he catches himself say it but at times society makes you feel like it's a less important job and it's hard to swallow!!

Of course shaping and raising your child is the most important job in the world. There are times that i wish i could run to work in the morning and leave the mess and the frustration at home. I definately miss the social interaction at times but it makes me so sad at the thought of only seeing my children for an hour or two a day and all the little things that Andrew has to miss when he goes to work. I'm so grateful that we are able to have me stay at home and you'll adjust with less income!!

Mandi said...

Ladies, thank you so much for your support. I know not everyone out there will agree, so it feels so good to hear those who do. We mother's have a tough job, but the best one, too. I know I can look to you guys for advice!

Anonymous said...

Welcome. :o)

Anonymous said...

whoops...typo. Really, I'm not Debue.

Anonymous said...

I"m very proud of your decision , it's the right one, Asher will certainly benefit from being home with Mommy. It fells good to know my grandson is being well taken care of. You are a excellent mother( as I knew you always would be).
Love Mom