Thursday, January 29, 2009

report card update

This month marks 6 months that Asher has been in swimming lessons. Here is the report card he got this week:

If I'm being honest, this looks exactly like his report card from 6 months ago. Interesting.

Well the good news is, he is happy in the water. That wasn't always the case, and I'm glad Danielle took the time to acknowledge that. If we get nothing out of it but some time to splash and laugh and sing and be silly, then that will be worth it. Worth even packing up in -23 degree weather at 8:00 am to get there. I sometimes need reminders of that, but worth it, nonetheless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's great that he's happy in water!!! I think i'm going to start trying to bring the girls swimming. It might be crazy hard handling both of them in the water by myself but i think that it's really important. I hate to admit that rachel has only gone swimming once in her entire life. I have to get over the bathing suit thing :(