Thursday, November 27, 2008

photo updates

* Proof that we actually went to Mother Goose; a booklet we got as a gift with our picture on the front and all the words to the songs and rhymes we learnt. I'm not just guessing at them anymore! And I learned that Charlie Chapman's name is actually Charlie Chaplain. Oops!

* Asher's swimming lesson report card for November. Danielle, our instructor, again put it rather nicely by saying "comfortable getting face wet" rather than the truth, which would have been "looks stunned, coughs and only partially cries after dunking underwater".

* The new back pack carrier we got because Asher is getting rather heavy for the Moby Wrap. Bummer. He seems quite happy in this, though!


Anonymous said...

Aidan wanted to be held A LOT, and part of the action, and with me! At that point, I borrowed a carrier from family, and used to do housework, make supper, pace the floors...all with Aidan on my back. I even think I hosted an Oscar party with him on my back. That's why I was SO thankful that the Pool gave us one when Mac came along.
Oh, yeah, I even burned my hands with pasta water...all with Aidan on my back. I do NOT recommend the burning water. :o) But, Aidan was safe.

Anonymous said...

I had a back pack with Emma and it was AWESOME! I was said when she got too big for it. Smart purchase.