Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday's observations

* My heart always jumps a beat with worry when I see my family calling long distance in the middle of the afternoon. Thankfully it was just about Christmas.

* Paying $6.50 to get into a craft fair is sort of ridiculous, don't you think?

* I always cry at weddings. Even if it's just a little.

* It REALLY sucks when one of your favorite sweaters gets a hole in it. Really sucks.

* Asher is finally big and strong enough to sit in the "top-basket-where-the-kid-goes" of a shopping cart. Whoo hoo! This means I don't always have to drag his car seat in everywhere we go, which is great, since he's getting so freaking big!

* You know you love your friends when let them store their chicken in your freezer and you're a vegetarian.

* For the first time ever, my husband came shopping with me, for me. It was great, and he didn't even complain. I'm not yet convinced that he didn't have ulterior motives.

* In case you weren't aware, the new Guns and Roses album came out recently, which means that I've had the pleasure if hearing it everywhere I've been for the past day now. Even the washroom. Great.

* It is a slight miracle that I was able to go to the mall and not get a White Mocca from Second Cup. I must be coming down with something.

* 6-month old baby boys need to have their naps, even if they don't want to. The results can be pretty ugly if it doesn't happen.

* 6-month old baby boys should stay 6-months old forever. I LOVE this age and I can't believe that Asher will be 7-months old this week. How did that happen?


Anonymous said...

Hey Mandi, you'll miss the car seat carrier when you don't have it anymore, lol. Luke has been in a car seat for about 3 months now and sometimes I really miss his carrier, lol. Luke is abnormally large however, so I have no choice. Most people think he is at least a year and a half old....glad to hear Asher is doing well!

Anonymous said...

I thought that was chicken in your freezer, but I then thought, naw--couldn't be!!

Mandi said...

Jane - I've heard a lot of people say that about the carrier, and I have the feeling I'll probably agree once we're in the big car seat. It is quite convenient if they're sleeping to just keep them in there. The good news is that Asher is on the small side, so we may have a little while in it yet!

Debie - That's right, you were totally in my freezer yesterday! I didn't even think that the chicken may seem odd to you. Now you know! :)