Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday's observations

* The more you order from the Sears catalogue, the more catalogue's they send you, and then the more you want to order. Sears, STOP SENDING ME CATALOGUE'S!

* Nobody warned me that once Asher started solids, his poop would drastically change. I almost always gag now. It's gross!

* Have you all seen the baby Asher on the "come live in New Brunswick" commercials? He looks about the same age as my Asher but he is not nearly as cute! I have a sneaking suspicion that we may start to see his name pop up more and more now and I don't like that!

* It takes me a good 3 hours of being away from Asher before I finally am able to (mostly) clear my mind of him and relax. This gets easier the older he gets, right?

* I wanted to scream like a little school girl when I saw the Canadian Idol Top Three concert this weekend. What is it about Mitch McDonald that makes me feel like I'm 13 again?

* Whenever I go to a concert or show, for some reason, I have this irresistible urge to buy the t-shirt, even though I know I'll only wear it to vacuum the house and it will get baby puked on.

* Is there really anything better than sitting by a fire, cuddled up with a blanket, looking at the ocean, and drinking coffee with girlfriends? That moment made my week! And it made me want a cottage by the ocean even more than I already do (and that's a lot!)

* If you leave my husband home alone long enough, he's bound to re-wire or take apart/put back together something. This is not always as handy as it may sound.

* And speaking of my husband, he rocks! As you can tell, I've been away a lot this weekend and he and Asher had lots of bonding time. They even started dressing alike (well except for the bib). Seriously! Check it out...


mel said...

Well then, we need to get Greg a bib, don't we?

Anonymous said...

"Tuesday's responses"

*...and the more our bank account suffers!

*Who's Mitch MacDonald?, I would like to speak with this character...

*Owning a cottage is like owning a baby, there is a lot more to it than what you saw when you visited.

*The successful rewirings/repairs are the ones she doesn't even notice!

*My own bib would have its benefits.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha! Love Greg's responses.