Friday, April 23, 2010

Lately I have been....

... wondering if I will ever really fully know who I am and what potential I am capable of - feeling amazed at the infinite potential in all of us

... thankful for the consistency of old, loving friends in the midst of changing social ties

... looking forward to a fun couples night out next weekend

... amazed at the new things Asher comes out with

... proud at the numerous people lately who have said to me that Asher is so "cute and smart" for his age

... wanting to stretch my cooking abilities and expand my menu selections - cooking class?

... lacking motivation to get Asher's new room ready. There's a lot to do in that current disaster zone

... talking about marriage and how it changes with the stress of raising a young family. So glad I'm not alone on this one

... wanting an office/work space in my home

... watching too much TV for my own good

... feeling baby boo kick and move and squirm around more and more

... trying to figure out a name for this little person

... visiting doctors offices

... wiping a lot of noses, including my own

... wearing t-shirts and rubber boots

... planning a certain two-year old's birthday party

... doing a lot of dishes

... thinking up some fun and relaxing family time for this summer

... thinking up some fun and relaxing ME time for this summer before my world changes again

... missing running - it's even hard to believe that I used to do that!

... taming my selfish desire to want more, and not always doing a good job at it

... needing some serious God time

... longing to get into a good book, but haven't made the time

... reminding myself to call my grandmother, but I never seem to remember when the time is right


Erin said...

I'm seeing a big need for some you time in that post...praying you are able to obtain that soon friend...

Few things:
1. As always thanks for sharing
2. I would LOVE to take a cooking class with you his summer, if you can wait that long (I'll be home last week of June) like old times :)
3. I've been wondering the same thing as your first post...I'm getting there more and more I feel with all this self-reflection I've been forced to do...but will I ever fully know? Heaven maybe?
4. If any of your summer planning involves wanting some fun girl time I'm game buddy!

K, I'm done now :)

mel said...

I'm glad that your wondering about your identity and potential seems to be inspiring awe and not a negative experience.

As far as "old, loving friends" go, I sure hope you're referring to the longetivity of the friendships and not chronological advancement. (^_^)

And on the naming front: you're not going for Asher Sequel or Annikin, huh? Well, that's all this house has got for you, I guess!

Andrea said...

in response to your first comment it made me think of something i read on the back of the paper they gave me at a friends funeral this summer. It was one of her last journal entries and i love it. She quoted it from Marianne Williamson (not sure who that is?). Sorry for the length...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadquate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us;it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine; we unconsiously give the other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Mandi said...

Erin - cooking class this summer, YES! Ice cream this summer, YES!

Mel - well how you interpret "old, loving friends" is a matter of opinion :) As for the naming front, Greg didn't go for any of those ideas. Asher's idea is to name the baby "Asher too"

Andrea - I love that quote by Marianne Williamson. I had it on my fridge for weeks when I first heard it. (PS I have no idea who she is either!)

Andrea said...

well i never would have guessed that you heard that..i wonder where my friend had read it before..i love it!

too cute that he wants to name the baby "asher too." Rachel asked me last night if we can call the baby Pluto (because we had ust read a book with mickey and pluto) i love hearing the names kids come up with sooo cute!