You see, Greg is a really picky eater, although he would never admit that. Here are some tidbits I have to keep in mind every stinkin' meal I make.
* Loves pizza. But not pizza on pita breads, or pizza using pesto as a sauce, or pizza with big chunks of vegetables on it.
* Loves pasta. But only pasta with a "thick" cream based sauce. This rules out any olive oil based sauces, or pesto.
* Ethnic foods are usually OK.
* Vegetables must be cut into small enough chunks that he can barely notice they're there.
* Does not like: feta cheese, celery, asparagus, pineapple, cold peas, anything ending in "eppers" (read: peppers), anything ending in "erry" (read: strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, etc.) and bananas without brown spots.
* Will tolerate (and by tolerate I mean won't gag to death): cauliflower, carrots, corn, tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, and spinach.
* Still have not uncovered the deal with beans. Sometimes they are OK, and other times they are not. Lentils are a definite no deal. This can make things challenging when you're cooking vegetarian.
* Recipe's are often deemed "good" if they have anything with a bread texture in them.
* Soup can never, ever be considered a meal. Neither can salad.
* When consuming salad, it is best to roll the lettuce leaves up into a tight wound ball, and eat it in 2 bites.
* Anything covered in cheese or cream of mushroom soup gets a thumbs up.
It's sort of a lot to consider, don't you think? So I started getting Greg to rate the recipes I make on a 1 to 10 scale, and take little notes so I'll remember what he liked about it and what he didn't (sort of ridiculous, huh? But it works!). Here's 2 such recipes from last week:

They both got 9/10! I want Greg to enjoy our meals, but my goal isn't that he is going to love every single one. That's just not realistic. And be sure that love salad will still find its way on our menu from time to time! I had no idea that food preferences would play such a big role in our world.
Thankfully Greg doesn't do the cooking or all we'd eat would be sidekicks, Kraft dinner, and some burger or nugget variation.
Dear Lord, please don't let Asher follow in Greg's footsteps with his food preferences!
I see a simple solution here.. give the man some meat :) Just kidding. Even if you had meat once in a while he would still be a picky eater. Adding meat to the mix would change nothing.
If it maskes you feel any better, although Jason isn't as bad there are still things in there that Jason feels the same way about. It certianly is annoying and frustrating when trying to plan meals. Every time he goes away for work I usually make a couple of huge pots of soup and eat them all the time. He would never go for that. Soup is not a meal in his eyes either.
Wow I'm going on and on here. Just know that I understand your frustration friend :)
Awesome that's what she said!!!!
Soup only counts as an appetizer with Mitch, too. He's pretty flexible on fruits, vegetables, lentils, and beans... most of the time. No quiche, though. Or certain TEXTURES--that's the biggest thing. He might throw up if you just mention rice pudding.
We all have our quirks, I guess! I'd like to see what someone else would consider to be my difficult food preferences.
i have a heavy corn chowder recipe that's really good. it has bacon but it can be left out and the chowder is still good.
Thanks ladies, I know we all have our food quirks, huh? It's just not everyday that someone spells them all out and then posts them on the internet for everyone to read! Oh dear... good thing Greg is a good sport.
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