* Trying to get your son rolling over on video is as challenging as trying to film a Spotted Leopard attack for a National Geographic documentary, and results in enough uneventful video clips to fill a terabyte size server (that joke is mainly for my husband, because who else in the world knows what the heck a terabyte is!).
*It has been one week since the centipede incident, and I am still checking my pillow every night, just in case. I am happy to report that there has been no more centipede spotting's in our home, or in my bed.
* I cannot cook a baked potato. I know it's not rocket science, but for some reason I can never seem to get the timing right. Do NOT come to my house for supper if this is what I'm serving.
* We got dumped by our kid. Seriously. We found out this week that our sponsor child from Honduras, who we sponsored through a reputable program, left us for another sponsorship program. Apparently the other program had better benefits. Well, Bianka, I hope that program has sponsors who write every month, and send stickers, and pictures, and cards, and postcards, and add the Christmas and birthday gift options and... GRRR. Really, I'm not bitter or anything.
* All those baby classes with Asher are really paying off... for me, that is. This week I got invited out by several other moms to lunch, to the Reel Babies movie, and to join a walking group called FitMAMA's. It's great! Oh, and Asher liked it all too :)
*I made a Tofurky for Thanksgiving. The name is slightly misleading though, since it would have you believe that this product would actually taste like a turkey and be good, but it's not. Don't try it. Really don't come to my house for supper if I'm serving baked potatoes and Tofurky.
* Do come to my house for supper though if I'm serving homemade baby food. This stuff is so easy to make you pretty much can't get it wrong! All you have to do is boil the crap out of whatever you're making, and then puree it until it's just about a liquid. This week I've made carrots and sweet potatoes. They are frozen and waiting for Asher to be big enough to try them (which, WHAAA, is in only 2 weeks!).
i have a friend who froze the baby food that she made in ice cube trays then transfered them to ziplock bags and she knew that her son would eat two ice cubes of whatever it was.
Just a suggestion that you probably already have covered...invest in a little steamer...no extra water to knock out all the good minerals and vitamins. And to anyone else who is reading, it is an option for terribly fussy husbands and older kids as well...any puree can be added to lots of stuff, spaghetti sauce, casseroles, veggie dips etc. I will try just about anything to get a 42 year old baby to each veggies too.
I hope you have better luck with homemade baby food...Aidan wouldn't eat it. I was disappointed....but thankfully, now his favorite foods are raw veggies. phew.
Rachel - yup, that's totally how it's done. Ice cube trays can be so handy!
Danette - I had originally bought a steamer for this exact purpose but then the Blender Baby Food book I have gives you the exact proportion of water to use with each vegetable/fruit so that there's no waste. This way you end up using all the water that you've boiled the food in and none of the nutrients get lost! Now that you've mentioned it, I think I could try this for Greg... watch out Greg! :)
Debie - I am sincerely hoping that Asher will eat the stuff I've made. That would suck if he didn't! I hadn't even thought of that as a possibility! Hopefully we'll have better luck.
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